Grade 6 - English Language/ ACTIVITY:1


  Grade 6 - English Language

Fill in the blanks with (am, is, are, a, an, or the) where necessary.

1.     What  ..................  that? It ..................   ................. cup.
2.     Who ...................... he? He ............... .............. monitor of our class.
3.     What ................... she? She ................ .............. teacher.
4.     What ..............  you? I .............. .............. farmer.
5.     Who .............. they? They .............. traders.
6.     What .............. that? It .............. .............. umbrella.
7.     Where .............. .............. apples? They .............. in this bag.
8.     Who .............. they? They .............. tourists.
9.     Who .............. he? He .............. my brother.
10. What .............. that? That .............. .............. post office