Grade 10 English Collective Nouns

1.Match A with B and form collective nouns
A                                                   B
A herd                                            of bread                                              
A bunch                                         of people
A comb                                          of rice
A group                                          of birds
A bar                                              of fish
A slice                                            of grapes
A school                                         of cattle
A class                                            of bananas
A sack                                            of chocolates
A flock                                           of students

2. Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue between mother and Nadun at the supermarket. Use the words in the box.
Nadun          : Mother, we need a …………………….of milk and two kilos of sugar.
Mother        : What did father ask you to bring?
Nadun          : Well, he wants a ……………………of A4 sheets.
Mother        : Alright. What else is there on the list?
Nadun          : Er.. a …………………… of biscuits and a ………………………. of bananas
Mother        : We need to get a ……………………. of flowers too.
Nadun          : But, Why do want it? Are you going to visit Thamara aunty?
Mother        : Yes, She has come home from the hospital.
Nadun          : Then we’ll take a ……………………. of chocolate to her little son.
bouquet          bar              bottle                bundle                  packet            comb

3. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box

During the last vacation we went on a trip to Wilpaththu National park. It was an unforgettable journey I joined in my life. A ……………………….of boys joined us at the entrance in a safari cab. At the very beginning of the tour we saw a …………………… of birds flying over us. Also we saw a ………………………….. of buffaloes  roaming in the forest. During the tour father gave us a ……………………. Of biscuits to refresh us and we had brought some………………………….. of water for our use. The tour guide warned us to be silent saying that they once caught in to a …………………… of bees and some people got stung and admitted to hospital.
Packet                  group                    flock                      swarm                  bottles                  herd