Grade 6- Science/EM/ ACTIVITY:1

Grade 6 - Science
Lesson 3 – Water as a natural resources

01.  Read the related lesson and write correct answers.

01.  Some human activities which water is very important are,
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02.  Three physical states of water are,
Ø  ……………………………..
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Ø  …………………………….

03.  Consumable percentage of water on Earth is,
Ø  …………………………….

04.  The ways of water exists are,
Ø  ……………………………..
Ø  …………………………….
Ø  …………………………….

05.  The types of water based on salinity are,
Ø  ……………………………..
Ø  …………………………….
Ø  …………………………….

02.  Fill in the blanks.

  1. The water in ..............................................................................................................      and .................................................   is known as fresh water.
  2. The water found in seas oceans is known as ...................................................
  3. Brakish water can be seen in ................................................
  4. ................................................. is produced in salterns by vapourizing sea water.
  5. We should ............................................ water pollution and conserve water.
